Was he a real rat or not ? i mean FBI man who had him on the books was working for him was he not ? so was he on FBI books as a rat to cover him self ?
good thinking and theory but he was a rat for the simple fact he and flemmi threw names and gave up info ..what people fail to realize is that he gave flemmi gave all the info it was flemmi who knew the italians and dealt with us not no damn bulger bulger didnt know anybody and was never trusted all bulger had was flemmi when it came to In Town bulger had his caniving manipulating ways but never dealt with the italians but did rat and was an informer yea did he try to cover himself by being an informant on paper yea but he gave info lots of info minor but still info ..if he sat back been informant on paper giving no information at all just receiving and using the agents to his dealings and benefit THEN you can say he was using the the agents to cover up but he didnt