If only these kids could find a higher power, and be blessed like you cheech they might have a shot at being a wiseguy.
1) when I said that about PB I was joking and was referencing TPOGV like his avatar
2) I was completely joking and actually mocking "others" on this site when I was referring to buying anything on ebay
I understand that sarcasm doesnt come across when typed so that is the only reason i am even responding to you
you bring nothing to this forum and you are so far from funny it is even fathomable.
so you could stop the little remarks about me and the threads disparaging me on the other forum and all the pm's you send me talking shit
I find it funny you talk shit on a forum to someone you will never meet...there is a reason i dont respond to you
but I promise you this, if we ever did meet you would think twice about what you say to me, and thats not a threat just the truth
all the best, i hope you beat the addiction you have and I hope you stay out of jail for robbing that old lady
