Originally Posted By: cheech

respectfully disagree....you are more likely to be hit by lightning and die than a terrorist attack and die yet the media constantly is telling you about terrorism so you become afraid (enslaved)...I think we are going down a slippery slope

someone smart said give me liberty or give me death

And because I disagree (when it comes to terrorism), I guess you're implying that I'm not smart? Okay, that's cool.

But it's just too easy to say such things from the confines of utopian suburban Connecticut. How many planes hit New Haven that day? How many friends did you lose?

As far as that "hit by lightning" vs. terrorism stat. Well, you still don't want to be the statistic. If your eight months pregnant wife and unborn kid became that one in a million stat, I'd expect you'd feel differently. But maybe not, who knows?

As far as Bush knowing? It's true that the CIA knew for some time that those towers were potential targets, but that Bush knew specifically that it would happen? Nuh-uh. And like I said, even though I voted for him once I thought Bush was a retard. But not an evil retard.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.