Originally Posted By: Skinny
As long as its ONLY being used for national security, i dont care. I believe they can stample all over our rights if its neccesary to save lives. It crosses a line when they start using it for other things imo. Think of all the murders we could solve, drug dealers put behind bars, fugitives we could catch with this technology. But thats where it crosses the line. If someones caught saying "we are going to kill the president..." The nsa i think should have every right to look into that person. But if it turns into "We are going to kill the president... of the condo association..." Turn the recorders off and go back to work, bc that has nothing to do with national security. And this is coming from a guy who hates this shit. I cant stand all these fucking cameras everywhere. Fucking cop cars with atomatic plate readers that can scan plates on both sides of the street. Fucking stop and frisk. Fucking crazy ass gun laws, cant even take it out of your house. More taxes, more hand outs for the lazy fucks that dont work, more sorry your a minority benefits, more bailouts for companies that just putsource more work to indonesia so the greedy cocksuckers can get a raise from 10m a year to 12. Everything fucking white collar business out there is a racket for the rich, or a hand out to the poor. Both who, conveniently want more! While the work class (the majority of this fucking country), is shit on and robbed on a daily fucking basis to line the pockets of those both richer and poorer than us. The great cluster fuck of america god bless the usa!


When Interpol?