You're forgetting the racketeering factor, i.e. he's a high-level member of an ongoing criminal enterprise. So, no, it doesn't really boil down to just video poker machines.
What is racketeering? Its a conspiracy. Simply. Its coercion with others to commit a crime.
Now (IMO) the system mistakenly views racketeering as the primary misconduct not the crime itself. Racketeering is merely the
systematic application of the crime.
Its application of the crime in an organised, systematic way.
Now this behaviour is obviously much more socially detracting than individual non organised, random breaches but its simply an application of the crime.
My point being, its the crime itself which is the presiding factor.
Eg: You can have Racketeering in Poker Machines, and Racketeering in murder.
So was it organised? Yes. Was it in aid of a criminal enterprise? Yes. Was it Racketeering? Yes.
But was it just Poker machines? .....Yes.
In the larger picture, I'm all for increased penalties if people prove to not learn their lesson the first, second, third, etc. time around. It shows they're non-reformable and insist on continuing to be a drain on society. They deserve no sympathy.
That indicates 2 things:
1. That a sentence is not punishment of a crime?
2. You dont believe that prison reforms criminals?
1. It is, otherwise whats the point.
And 2. 'Correctional facility' is the greatest ironical name in modern history.
(PS Not picking on you Ivy. Just enjoy a seasoned debate

I guess my point is whats right is more relevant than whats the Law.