Stuff I'm Reading this Morning...

US dollar jumps overnight, Asian and European stocks recover as Fed Week gets underway... (Reuters)

Hlsenrath tells us to pay attention to the Fed's economic outlook report, not just the FOMC's press release, for clues. (BusinessInsider)

"A couple months from now we will look back at this Yen carry concern as completely idiotic." (DynamicHedge)

70% of economists now expect a reduced QE by year-end, a big jump in expectations since May. (USAToday)

Economic blog nerds choose their sides, fiscalist or monetarist. A guide to who's who. (FTAlphaville)

New interview with the world's most important financial blogger, Tadas Viskanta of Abnormal Returns. (SeeItMarket)

Is this the end of the secular bear market? Or just an interlude? (BusinessInsider)

The three worst predictions of the last five years. (PragCap)

Stanley Druckenmiller: Here's what's going to happen to China. (ZeroHedge)

Speaking of China, the St Louis Fed is freaked out about the housing bubble there. (StLouisFed)