The Big Fella, You are basically correct in your postings about the Detroit Mafia. It is very similar to The Chicago Outfit except smaller with not quite as much political power. However, the Detroit group is strong and are basically all white Collar like the Outfit. The Men are mostly all related by blood or marriage, many of them are college graduates and they are actively involved in White Collar activities. Like Chicago, There is a PARENT company that owns a piece of all the smaller companies run by their younger relatives. These companies are involved in getting large Contracts from the City of Detroit plus other contracts from surrounding Suburbs.
Big Fella, don't waste your time trying to convince a couple of these other New York bloggers about what's happening in Detroit and the surrounding area. A couple of these guys that argued with you don't understand the DIFFERENCE between the Old Blue Collar Mafia (which is still basically New York) and the modern( White Collar) Mafia of Chicago and Detroit. The New York Blue Collar Rat Infested Families will be basically all gone (maybe not the Genovese's but certainly the other 4) within the next 10 to 12 years at most. There is no future in it.
So not just Chicago and the mafia in Sicily but now you're an expert on Detroit