No offence, but that's a bit rich coming from an (Iranian,Scot,Anything), i'm not meaning to be cruel but commenting on American matters in the way you do (and if i did) is ridiculous imo . Sort out your own country then lecture US citizens imo.
I don't think I need to be from anywhere special to have an opinion and voice it, especially on a message board, on www, where you don't have to say where you live and where you are from. I hope that it be even richer that there are people in the part of the world with intolerant governments that are more tolerant than some who live in democracies and are intolerant. I hope this would make them rethink their prejudices.
I agree with your comment entirely, i also have quite similar views on gay marriage as you. However i don't agree with the way you talk to the Americans on this site, who disagree with you. By making out as if their intolerant because they have different views on gun control and gay rights, the majority of this site disagrees with them, but you're the only one imo that makes out as if their almost immoral for having these views. If i've misinterpreted your prior comments then i apologize, if not the last sentence of my last comment still stands.