This gal made it home ---BARELY. :rolleyes:

I wondered why my flight which was to leave Chicago at 1:30 was not boarding at 1:15. Then I heard my name paged to go see the desk attendant.

Funny how he phrased it: "There is a slight problem with the plane."

SIDEBAR: What the heck is a slight problem and why all of a sudden am I concerned?

Anyway, he informs me they are working on something and it is clear I won't be leaving today and will have to spend the night and leave tomorrow (Monday).

Before I could even process this information, I blurt out that staying another night was unacceptable (simply because I didnt want to )

Apparently, this just affected me - I'm not sure how. All the other passengers on that flight were boarding. Must have had something to do with the connecting flight from Phoenix to Albuquerque.

Anyway, he is telling me I have to stay the night. I'm really disapointed when all of a sudden he says if I hurry I can make a flight on American Airlines(I was originally booked on America West). He shoves a ticket in my hand and says go to Terminal 5 (which is THREE terminals away) and Hurry!

So I do.

Much later I get to Terminal 5 - the lady is rush, rush, rushing me....tells me to go to Gate 13 ( I am at 1). I feel like I am running a good 13 city blocks. I think quick enough to ask her what time this flight leaves. She says 1:30. Wow. My watch says 1:40. I run like nobody's business and get to the gate and rush in like a banshee. My seat is at the very back and I settle in and then think to ask my neighbor where this flight is going to. Lucky for me - DIRECT flight to Albuquerque.

The GOOD news is, I got in at 3:30 (on time! Wow that pilot was good making up for the lost time!) instead of 8:30 tonight, early enough to catch the last quarter of my Niner game and other various games today. Guess I was lucky it all worked out. I woulda been calling DB/Don Sicilia for dinner!

Fun weekend. I needed it. Cubs game was AWESOME! Many thanks to Don Sicilia for chauffering us around and his hospitality. He went WAY out of his way to meet us and spend time with us.

Thanks to everyone else for a great time. It went by way too fast. Hope everyone stays safe getting home!

I have a tendency to wear my heart on my sleeve -
I have a history of taking off my shirt.....