Originally Posted By: Skinny
Ovation, Jojo corozzo is just as respected as his brother. Maybe you are thinking of Blaise? Nicky is feared, but Jojo is liked. Both are huge money machines and politicians. They were never Gotti guys either. Gotti took Nickys stripes when he got boss and Nicky basically ran his crew anyways. Gotti decided it was impossible to keep a guy as powerful as corozzo down, and gave him back his rank. When gotti went down and he put junior as head of a panel that was basically the end of gottis being in power. The corozzos basically called the shots. A lot of captains still listen to their word. The gotti guys that are left arent gotti guys any more. Damico isnt a captain. Trucchio and Cacciapola both are closer to corozzos, except a few of Tommys guys. Other queens guys (gottis old nhood) are/were corozzo guys. Louis Mastrangelo was JoJos driver and is the only reason hes captain.

Daniel Marino i think of more as being allied with Castellano. Not gotti or gambino. He had the corozzos support to become boss, but he turned it down, so they went to a ruling panel. Only gambino was left so he promoted someone younger to take over for him. When cefalu got picked who was running the family on the street???? you guys still think that cefalu got elected? Its laughable, imagine 20 guys sitting at a big ass table, doing what putting names in a hat? No doubt Cali became under, look who hes so close to.

How is cali lowkey? Look at his fucking house! Low key cause he hasnt been caught? He hasnt done anything. Hes a half a gangster. Hes like TV, a business man who turned gangster. Never cracked a egg, pushed a button, however you wanna say it. Guys like that, especially if they do not have senority cannot succesfully run a family. Look at history for this... Junior Gotti, Jackie DAmico, Mikey Scars Dileonardo. Never were respected. The top guys in the family are John Gambino Nick Corozzo, Danny Marino. Lorenzo Mannino runs the heaviest crew in brooklyn right now, he will be one of the top guys in the family in a few years. He is already close.

This is fuckin great stuff.

Frank Costello: Fucking rats. It's wearing me thin. Mr. French: Francis, it's a nation of fucking rats.