This is 2013. Slavery ended how long ago? Segregation how long ago? How long are we going to play this game? Martyr or not, King can't say two conflicting things and be consistent at the same time. I'm all for giving "boots" to minorities or other less fortunate but not at the unfair cost of putting a less worthy minority ahead of a more worthy individual, simply because they are male and/or white, in schooling, jobs, etc. That's manifestly unfair. It just goes to show that, for all their talk about justice, fairness, equality, etc., liberals (and their usually sheep-like minority followers) throw that out the window real quick when the tables are turned.
Right. Because King was a sheep like minority follower. You should read what he and other people wrote then and now on the issues you raise but obviously you haven't done that and likely won't. So if you're not even familiar with what King wrote, discussion is pointless.
As far as ad hominem attacks I have yet to see any prominent white conservative raise a voice in outrage over any current day public or private practices which negatively impact black people, whether it be job discrimination in hiring, pay and promotion, unemployment stats, harsher sentences for the same crime, disparities in wealth and education, housing segregation and so on. All those pass without conservatives saying anything. But when it comes to any sort of affirmative action they howl in outrage. On this issue conservatives are full of s***.