Originally Posted By: Chicago
Sam Battaglia got his nickname 'TEETS' from his large Loan Sharking business. He would hold court in the old days in Melrose Park at an underground Casino run by Rocky DeGrazia. The Street Soldier/Collectors would bring in a guy who was behind in his payments and Battaglia would say "Pay up or I'll knock out all of your 'teets' instead of saying teeth.
Willie Daddano got his nickname 'POTATOES' because he loved French fries.
Jack Cerone got his nick name 'JACKEY THE LACKEY' because he would always be very attentive to Accardo's needs and was his driver bodyguard in the old days.
Joe Gagliano got his nickname 'JOE GAGS' from his own name.
Dominic Cortina got his nichname 'LARGE' because he was fat and because he oversaw the main Bookmaking office that took the layoff bets from all the other crews. His action was large.
Donald Angelini got his nickname 'WIZARD OF ODDS' from his tremendous bookmaking skills and was Cortina's partner.
Sammy DeStefano got his nickname 'DYNO' because he was like a stick of dynamite that could go off at any moment.
Joey Lombardo got his nick name 'LUMPY' from giving some guys lumps on their heads when they got behind in loan payments or street taxes.
Frank Bucciere (Fifi's brother) got his nickmame 'THE HORSE' because he gave his girlfriend a horse for her birthday. A couple years later the F.B.I. asked his older brother Fifi to identify some people in a picture they showed him. The picture was of Frank and Frank's girlfiend sitting on top of her horse. Fifi said 'That's my brother frank with his girlfiend but I take the 5th on the horse'.

I could go on and on but my hand is getting tired from typing. LOL

Thanks for putting these up.

Mongol General: Conan, what is best in life?

Conan: To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women.