Yes, she is not a good witness and is very defiant when asked questions. Yet, if I remember correctly (I was on several jury duty cases but only one murder trial), as a juror, you can choose to disregard an entire testimony if a witness lies, or just parts of it (I may not be stating that exactly right).
I don't think she understands some of the questions. She admitted to the defense attorney when he gave her a transcript of her statement that she couldn't read cursive.
Oh, at the end of the day yesterday, judge asked defense attorney before they left for the day, how much longer will you need this witness on the stand and attorney says "a couple more hours." The girl says loudly "WHAT?"
I think the neighbor who made the call to the police as this attack was happening was a much much better witness.
Kly/DT if you haven't tuned in, she's testifying now on CNN
I am assuming the Prosecution will do a redirect on this witness. Boy, he has his work cut out for him.