The Senate just a few minutes passed it's Immigration Reform bill with bi-partisan support (68-32) and will now go to the GOP-majority House, where I actually have trouble seeing them passing this. It's weird the Republican party professionals want this bill (or a version of it) passed but massive body of members don't want to vote for this and face a possible primary challenge.
I suppose it could be passed like with happened with the Fiscal Cliff, Boehner and a few scant Republicans vote with the House Democrats and pass the bill while allowing the majority of his party to vote against it. But will they do that again for this? We'll see.
I'll actually pre-empt the inevitable right winger response and basically agree with them on one point. All the amendments attached to the bill regarding border security is really building a mountain of money and setting fire to it. Really a waste of funds that won't really do dick.
While we discuss this topic, look at this blast from the past when 2 future U.S. Presidents (both Republicans) discuss the illegal immigration issue and notice their language. Neither gentleman from 1980 would survive in today's Republican Party.