Originally Posted By: Frank_Nitti
Yeah, just shove your fingers in your ears and repeat, "Minorities aren't really discriminated against, they're just lazy and like to complain and liberals are evil degenerates and anyone who disagrees is an imbecile", all you want. lol The rest of us live in the real world, not the idealized fantasy world of Utah, a sheltered bubble that's only 2% black.

Yep. This is what you libs do. Anyone who calls you on your BS you paint as prejudiced or not as cultured as you. rolleyes

Every minority in America experiences bias in one form or another just because they're a minority, while whites have every societal advantage because they've never had to experience those racial biases. Mountains of data suggests institutionalzied discrimination still exists, the African Americans in this thread and others have told you it exists, someone like me who's lived and travelled throughout the deep South tells you it still exists, but you can go on educating us "libs" in the bigoted world of your jaded imagination. This isn't even a debatable point anymore, I'm just trying to figure out if you're practicing intellectual dishonesty, veiled bigotry, or just don't know any better.

Do they experience racism? Some do, sure. But institutionalized racism? To such a degree that warrants and justifies affirmative action (i.e. reverse racism)? Sorry. That's a fantasy world you and other libs live in.

And, by the way, there are plenty of whites that don't have "every societal advantage" just because they're white. That you actually believe this shows you've been drinking the lib kool-aid way too long.

Mods should mind their own business and leave poster's profile signatures alone.