Originally Posted By: Turnbull
Originally Posted By: Danito
I think that GF2 was a great film, but it lacked dangerous characters.
Roth? Too old.

Radiating danger makes other people wary. Roth was by far Michael's most dangerous adversary, in part because he didn't radiate danger. His kindly, paternal manner and seeming passivity almost cost Michael his life and his liberty several times.

I agree with Turnbull and would add that deception was a key theme of GFII. Michael wanted to appear cooperate and to be Roth's understudy, but beneath the exterior was planning to overtake Roth. Roth appeared to be friendly ex-partner of Michael's father, but instead was trying to kill Michael in order to prevent being muscled out of Havana.

Roth was as dangerous - and maybe moreso - than even Sollozzo. I think Roth's key weakness was underestimating Michael's ruthlessness. I would argue that Roth radiated danger in his complete duping of Fredo. Roth almost succeeded in having Fredo play the role of having Michael killed, all the while with Roth pulling the strings but nearly avoiding detection.