I highly doubt his little cousin was lying when she accused him of rape
he stalked and killed an unarmed teenager at night in the pouring rain
he asked people to donate money for his legal defense and then instructed his wife to use the proceeds to pay bills over the phone while using code words like a "CRIMINAL"
how many more times does this guy have to prove that he's a piece of shit?
like i said, its probably a good idea for you to at least watch some of the recaps from the trial, but what the hell, your mind is already made up so that would be a waste of time. given your failure to look at anything objectively even when there is evidence to at the very least call into question what you may think, i'm not the least bit surprised. look to the whole outfit saga on here for proof of that! so his little cousin was the one who accused him of rape, huh? funny, even a quick google search will show you that it was an un-named witness who made those claims, but thats probably worth overlooking!

its very credible that the claims only came out once this whole circus started. its also unreasonable to think that it might have anything to do with character assassination, because so far at least we have surely not seen anything like that!
its also a very good thing that the evidence presented so far has made it crystal clear that the guy shot trayvon in the back as he was running away, as the forensic evidence has proved. thank god there were no visible injuries on the accused, because that might play on that whole outdated concept of reasonable doubt. seriously though, i think that someone should go to jail regardless, the hell with a trial! like you stated, he would then have justice
(or revenge, fuck it same thing) served to him by "black males".