you're sick in the head just like George Zimmerman
if there is a hell then it's full of people that think exactly like you
all i have ot say to that is heh. so people who look at things as they have so far been presented are sick in the head and belong in hell? thats rich coming from someone who jumps into political discussions much like a new swimmer jumps into rough surf, totally unprepared and without a clue of what they are getting themselves into. let me give you a window into how a debate works: you offer up your own position. if someone disagrees with said position, you generally counter their arguments with some of your own, backed up by facts if you can muster it. you have done neither, and have resorted to cheesy personal attacks while ignoring info that was presented to you, very telling.

my guess, you are probably one of those dopes calling for rioting if the verdict doesn't go your way, forget the fact that you don't have a clue whats going on from the start.
the fact that he raped his cousin shows his lack of character
some more advice, simply stating something as a fact does not make it so. i've already addressed this point, but again, much like anything else with you, you ignore anything that simply doesn't fit into your view of the way things are.