Originally Posted By: Logomassini
Got it. Badass book as well. I'm a big fan of that as well and The Outfit by Gus Russo. I for one though find The Rizzuto's to be one of the most fascinating Crime Families of all time. Any ideas or opinion on who had been clipping them off over the past few years?

The way i understand it, it was 3 people attempting a coup, joe dimaulo reynald dejardins and salvatore montagna(former acting bonnano boss)and they started taking vitos top guys on the street, his father and son and caruna. Then there was an enternal dispute and desjardins had montagna killed, desjardins got arrested for the murder and vito had dimaulo whacked. So it looks like vito is back on top and theres not much of a threat left.

"Let me tell you something. There's no nobility in poverty. I've been a poor man, and I've been a rich man. And I choose rich every fucking time."

-Jordan Belfort