Oh BRo. you just not like, open minded enough like. you know bro? peace love and high taxes bro [/quote]
I'm not going to lie i don't have a clue what you're rabbling about? But i have to admit i'm not just like bro, taxes/peace and love ! [/quote]
You are an American and favor Freedom, right? If not, why are you living in a society founded on the idea that all men are created equal and objecting to people trying to make reality conform with the ideal? A black kid who smokes a little pot, skips class and defends himself against a gun-toting white should not be flippantly labeled a menace to society, while a white who does the same thing is just status quo.
Some of us are American patriots who love their country and everyone in it, not a decaying dead zombie of a sectarian society of chauvinists that never was. I am an American, not a sad imitation of the many fanatical lost causes of history's dust bin. [/quote]
i honestly don't know if you were being sarcastic or not, but i'm Scottish not American. I also am baffled where you firstly got that i support Zimmerman and secondly that i hate the US