Castellano was recorded on tape when he gave his "review" of the Bonanno book in front of Joe N. Gallo and Frankie DeStefano.
"I tried to take ten minutes of that fucking book. I thought it would be interesting, you know, what with knowing a lot of the people. But fuck, I can´t read that shit....The memory, that´s what gets me. The fucking guy acts like he remembers every word ever said to him since 1927."
///Well, some people find it harder to read books than others do I guess.

If you take a look at the book, none of the sitting bosses at the time (1983) is mentioned. No specific crimes or its perpetrators were revealed. Not much in the book actually revealed what was not already known to the authorities. So why rock the boat by killing Bonanno who had been out of the business for 15 years?
Rudolph Giuliani took the book seriously enough though to bring Bonanno in for questioning regarding his statesments about the Commission found in the book. Bonanno refused to answer any questions. He was indicted on RICO charges and consequently sentenced to a one year prison term.