A guy moves into a really old house, and while rummaging through the basement he finds an oil lamp, which he rubs. uddenly a genie comes out of the lamp and tells him he can have one wish. The guy thinks for a minute and he says, "I always wanted to go to Hawaii, but I am afraid to fly and I don't want to take a boat. Can you build a bridge to Hawaii so I can drive? The Genie thnks for a minute and says, "A bridge to Hawaii? Do you have any idea what that would inolve? Permits, Engineering and architectural accomplishments beyond anything known. A way that the bridge does not interefere with shipping lanes and is environmentally sound. Millions of pilings, incredibly labor intensive....I just dont know. Please ask for something else. The guy ponders this for a minute and then he says, "OK then, instead, I wish to understand women." The Genie stares at him for a moment and says "One lane or two?"
Damn, that joke is old, I swear my father told that to me when I was a kid!

Sounds like it came from those old funny papers or the New York he would read!