Mooney did bring the FBI harassment on himself by how he talked to them. Both Ricca and Accardo told him to say as little as possible and talk to them respectfully. Whenever Campagna, Ricca and Accardo dealt with the government they were always respectful. Mooney was fully capable of doing this, like when he was hauled before Congress and Bobby Kennedy berated him, telling him that he giggled like a little girl. He took it and kept his cool, but he pissed off the FBI agents by cussing and threatening them, so they retaliated. While Giancana did initially win his case against the FBI, it was appealed and overturned, so his win was short-lived. Not long after that he was forced to testify with immunity of face contempt; he refused and was sent to prison.

And while some look at him as the greatest Mafia boss ever, in the 1960s his men were complaining that he was never around when they needed him. There are transcripts of made guys going to Humphreys and Ferraro and telling them this and that they were going to have to tell Paul and Joe B.