All true. But his men loved him and were fiercely loyal to him. Some of them complained because they missed him and wanted him around for various things. It wasn't a bad complaining. They weren't complaining because they didn't like or respect him, it was the complete opposite.
I don't care what anybody says, mistakes and all, Mooney was a great Boss. I was there as a kid and my father complained sometimes Mooney wasn't there because he loved him. His made men were all rich. Mooney really cared about his men, unlike Cerone.
Cerone and Aiuppa were both cheap bastards who had the perception of keeping their guys down. That was probably part of the reason why they hated Giancana so much-his people loved him and all got rich. I don't think he had much of a choice but to get out of Chicago with all the heat on him at that time. Ricca never would have allowed Giancana to move on Aiuppa/Cerone but each had some disgruntled guys under them but then Accardo would have had to go to...Makes for an interesting discussion but just imagine how bad the heat would have been after such a move...