Originally Posted By: Chicago
Yeh you did. You said all the Taylor St. men were hotheads like Giancana and they were anxious to take his spot.

1) My father was no hothead.
2) Nobody was glad to see Giancana go from Taylor St.
3) Stop making ridiculous statements of which you know nothing about at all.
4) Stop making wisecracks about New York. I got news for you. Years ago the Outfit could have rivaled any of the 5 New York Families in power and influence. Today, the Outfit is a joke compared to the Genovese Family.

taylor street took over by force, only hotheads do that

no shit the outfit was as powerful as the 5 families back in the day

all organized crime Is the same no matter the color.....believe it or not

Last edited by cookcounty; 07/19/13 01:14 AM.