Ya i dont watch mad men but my mom does and she said after the last couple of seasons at has really started to go down hill. I tried to watch a few episodes with her but i thought it was just kind of an odd show, it wasnt exactly funny and the whole pace and mood of the show was a off putting. Maybe it was just a bad episode i watched.
It IS a different type show. I guess that is what was appealing about it in the first place. I do think tho, it's the kind of show you either like or don't like.
Ya thats about what i got from it. But i do think they did an excellent job recreating the era. Between the clothes, the gender roles, and portraying their industry as it was back then was great. I wasnt alive back then but i think it was pretty spot on.
Absolutely Dellacroce. For me that is the big appeal. The 60's is my era and I can relate to not only news events/atmosphere of the era (ie starting with JFK assassination and knowing that RFK & MLK assassinations were coming up and later the 67 riots) to the Rolling Stone concert, pot smoking scene. Not to even mention fashion of the time.
I suppose we are on the wrong thread aren't we. Unless of course they have Don Draper turning into a Walker next season.
And, you weren't alive then? Why you youngster you.

Damn, I'm old.