Yes, but Nick Calabrese SAID that DiFronzo was there. You or I don't really know WHO was there.
And, Nick also said HE THOUGHT Rocky Infelice was there. We found out later, that the Feds were watching Rocky and he indeed was NOT there.
All I was trying to point out was that it would have made sense that DiFronzo would have been there if it was a making ceremony.
But you're right, those two brothers walked into a room of killers. Who knows who was really there.
I doubt all those guys were there that Nick Calabrese said were there. It's possible, but I doubt it based upon all Outfit hits that are usually a small team of men, maybe three or four, not 8 or 10 guys.
Too many would be involved in a serious murder conspiracy. I don't believe EVERYTHING Nick Calabrese said like it was coming from the word of God. Overall, though, he was a good witness for the Feds.
Anyway, that's just my opinion so don't get on me for it. LOL.
Last edited by Chicago; 07/21/13 03:49 AM.