Hey Sonny, You may be right. Maybe there were more than 3 or 4 guys. Maybe there were 6 guys to kill the two brothers. I'm just saying I doubt there were 10 guys there to kill two guys. I find that hard to believe.
You are right about one thing. Made guys carry out murders. Many times a soldier/associate in a Made Guys Crew would be involved in the hit and then at the right time, he would move up later.
Not everyone had the stomach for murder. You could assist with setting up the murder and that would count for a new man. You didn't actually have to pull the trigger. Some guys enjoyed it. Sammy DeStefano, Phil Alderisio, Chuckie Nicoletti.
Some guys got a pass and slid by like Cortina and Angelini.
Last edited by Chicago; 07/21/13 05:12 AM.