Obama is getting outted by his own people. Yes sir reeeee He didn't speak up quick enough in surport of blacks and our now famous Traevon.
and then he use sappy story about how young black men including himsef have had car door locks closed as he came by.
Oh how bad...Hey Buddy why don't you think of why people had done that. Why?....lets not make excuses the truth is that people are afraid because of things that have happen to give them this fear.
Young Black men have done so much crime that people have the right to be fearful. 25% do 80% of the crimes in New York alone. What does that tell you.
Dam people stop making excuse for your own people.
You have to inject race into everything! even this Zimmerman-Martin case. POOR Us, oh Poor us excuse after excuse.
And Obama didn't serve his own people all thru this and now he had to come out because the Black Community was outting him out for not keeping the black code of solidarity!
35 years ago that could have been me he says! Well if you were doing wrong it may just have been you Barry! We don't care if your black, white, pink or green...if your doing wrong we want you taken away and put away so the rest of us can live a safe life.
Maybe that is why we move from the bad areas and shop in better areas leaving the places for those who cause these problem in those areas. So many great places are driven down by crime and when people leave what is just left? You have driven out the very people who paid to keep these areas alive.
Pay taxes, shopped and keep the homes up and the local economy alive.
People have stolen from the stores, mugged older people and stolen everything that they can. and if they couldn't steal it they defaced it. WHY because the white man was unfair to us.. like a spoiled childed who didn't get an allowence or a free life.
Why didn't the black community police their own instead of turning away and not helping keep their community alive and safe for its own people? Why didn't they lead and make a stand to protect what they have instead of crying foul.
Do you see how many people of so called "color" have moved up and have a great life because they have made something of themself in so many places, not just sports or music. But when did you every see them speak up against what is happening with the young black men and the way they are tearing things down. All you see is that it is someone elses fault.
Damn- why not put the blame on where it should be! WITH THE PEOPLE DOING THE CRIMES! giving your race a bad image.
So Barry that just may be why people lock there doors because of what they have learned by watching these events time and time again.
I am not afraid to tell you what the truth is. Are you all ready to step up and take charge of your own or are you going back to make the same old excuses of what/who is keeping you down!
Look in the mirror that who may just be you and yours as they say!

go ahead let the "yeah but" excuses start, never admit that any of this is true, just deflect it all like awlays!