Obama is greater than Lincoln.

I know you don't mean that, DT. But I think your absurdist post went right over the heads of some people here. Now you know I'm your pal and we're like minded on most things, but you really have to stop throwing out that Blacula line whenever a white person takes a shot at Obama's leadership. Because it's possible for white people to disapprove of Obama's track record without being racist. That's all I'm saying.
Here we go again the same bs I and many other people in this country get from you. It's the republicans fault! Lets point fingers instead of addressing the real problem which is BOTH sides. I can understand you're fury at the tea baggers I hate them too, but they are not solely to blame, it's both sides unwilling to cooperate and find common ground. Obama only encourages this with this lameass weasel word rhetoric. The same crap spews out of his mouth every time "jobs for the middle class, paying your fair share, etc" all of it is baloney because he can talk a good game but he can't walk that talk.
He was Slandering mitt Romney before he even secured the nomination. Negative ad campaigns that torched him. Why? Because he had noting good to say about himself. Nothing he's done has made a difference, he's racked up our debt and the deficit isn't much better. That spending bill was nothing more than wasted dollars.
Great achievements? Name one
And I'm going to burst your bubble on this too. I don't like Obama because he's black!! How many times are you going to throw that at me? I don't like him because he's weak, ineffectual, and a hack
There's nothing
remotely racist about this post. It's well thought and lucidly argued. Now I don't agree with all of it, but to imply that 123JoeSchmo is a racist is ridiculous. Generally speaking, he's
TOO far to the left on social issues. If you want proof just look at the kid's overall track record here (like the gay marriage issue which gets him foaming at the mouth

But that's the problem with extreme lefties and extreme righties. If you're not
ALL for them, they think you're against them. Fuck all the partisan politicians and the morons who
BLINDLY follow them.