
Yes. Gaggi took over Castellano´s old crew. Frank Scalise was dead by the time Gaggi was made.

Thanks for the info.

If Paul ever tried to name Tommy Gambino as the next boss it would of been a disaster imo. Nobody really respected him and if you think the blue collar guys were pissed at Castellano you know they would of gone crazy with Tommy G being given the top slot. I doubt TG ever cracked an egg in his life.

I agree, Tommy was a capable white-collar criminal but would have never earned enough respect to last a week as boss. But he was Castellano's newphew, so Paul thought he owed it to Don Carlo to make Tommy boss someday. I think that making Bilotti UB after Dellacroce died was somehow supposed to help make that happen without the street-crews rebelling. It seems to be a bad plan aside from Bilotti's loyalty, from what I've heard Bilotti was incompetent.

This life of ours, this is a wonderful life. If you can get through life like this, hey, thats great. But it's very, very unpredictable. There are so many ways you can screw it up.-Paul Castellano (he would know)

"I'm not talking about Italians, I'm talking about criminals."-Joe Valachi