Sicilian babe. What you just said; proving my point. LIbearls are more concerned with makign people pay their fair share than having a good economy. They don't seem to realize the two are interrelated.
I dont think you understand that high taxes disincentivize investment. Yeah, its easy for New York to tax people becasue everyone want to live there. But for states that dont' have that luxury, they need to incentivise investment, and the best way to do that is lessening the regulatory and tax burdens on entrepeneurs.
Me and nicky grew up in Indiana, and guess what, its not exactly a hot spot for tourism. So to strengthen the economy, Indiana made it more business friendly.

YOu want a good education? Send your kid to private school.

What you said, spoken like a true liberal who has no idea about economics or finance. You probably studied poly sci or philosophy.

Last edited by vinnietoothpicks26; 07/22/13 10:09 PM.

Frank Costello: Fucking rats. It's wearing me thin. Mr. French: Francis, it's a nation of fucking rats.