@12th street
what about cicero, Melrose park, Berwyn, stone park, etc.
those town had a large or decent Italian population now their majority mexican
What about them?? Yes Cicero, Berwyn, Melrose and Stone Park are all far and away a majority of Mexicans. Ironic how EACH still has an Italian mayor though lol. Neighborhoods change and those most definitely have in the past 20-30 years.
how did the Mexicans move in if the Italians didn't sell their homes?
How is that relevant to the thread??? lol The same way the Mexicans are moving into Maywood because the blacks sold their homes or lost them due to foreclosure. Lake Street in Maywood looks like 26th Street in Little Village nowadays..I don't see the relevance of your question/statement.
white flight is more of a reason those towns ain't still juking than attrition
of course the syndicate still has their politicians, always have and always will
they'd still have those suburbs plus the suburbs they live in without whiteflight
white flight hurt more than attrition because they had more breading grounds