Originally Posted By: Chicago
12th St. You're preaching to the choir. The problem is that a couple of these guys have such big egos that they cannot accept the fact that sometimes people from Taylor St called their area 'The Patch' and people from the Grand Ave area ALSO called their area 'The Patch'.
One guy even told me to look it up on the internet. LOL.

I'm going by what was said on the street. I don't give a fuck about what some asshole wrote in Wikipedia. That's the difference.
I'm willing to acknowledge BOTH areas used that name but a couple other Guys want to go by Wikipedia and say it was ONLY Grand Ave.
Like Sam Giancana didn't know the difference between Grand Ave and Taylor St. He used to call it the Patch sometimes IN MY FUCKING HOUSE talking to my father when I was a kid.
Don't take it seriously, you just have to laugh at it. LOL.
Wikipedia has Fat Ass Sarno as the boss of the Grand Avenue Crew lol...Maybe the Patch refers to the paved and unpaved nasty hookers that walk on Walnut east of Damen not too far from Grand Avenue perhaps??? lol