Corozzos crew... That crew is run from some small ass soccer club out that way. north hempstead? fuck if i know maybe liguy14 knows. Long island is like where guys from queens moved to when they got money. Trucchio has/had a mansion built somewhere out there, most of the guys in tommy sneakers crew live in LI. Tony Federici/romanello, whoever u choose to believe is running that crew, is mostly long island based actually despite the whole corona shit... Jimmy Ida owned a restaurant right near OB, and jimmy was just a beard for the horse. Junior gotti still lives up that way... Johnny Rizzos crew is mostly suburbia SI/LI. Joe francolino. Tony Black Furino, Fat Tony Rabito. Joe Saunders and Nicky Mouths crews live mostly on li. Neil Migliore. Vinny Casablanca Manceone. Not a captain, but joe zitos has a huge shy operation floating out that way. Only colombo guys i can think of is Ralphie Lombardo, and Ady Russo. Sure i left of guys but im pretty tired.