International? The genovese are intergalactal.... The chin ran the numbers game with irish associate and nasa racketeer buzz aldrin on the moon
just to relate to u guys how dumb the dumb reporter based comments are.... In the late nineties, there was a guy close to the westside hoboken crew. Call him sam. its not his name but it doesnt matter. To call him a degenerate gambler would be a gross understatement. He was in AC by friday evenings and would leave by monday mornings. Like clockwork, always lost money. He was a boom operator and a agent for bobby manna. He got the best comps, paid rooms, a meal or two. This casino manager whos a cousin of tony rotolo in bobbys crew eventually gets sam a job working junkets/referal/customer service type work. In the mid 2000s he started working in the offshore industry. He became a managing partner in 2008-09ish. He basically rewrote the book on online bonuses. He lives in a mansion in costa rica that makes malibu look like morningside hts. Anyone who has ever bet online knows this book, it is one of the top books that service americans. This guy sam by all rules is still a genovese associate. Is this book genovese connected book? Sure. Is it genovese CONTROLLED? No. I doubt sammy has kicked anything up in ten years, he probly still owes them money. Does this make the genovese an international organization? NO. This book takes action all over.... Canada, UK, China (huge market).... Of course some reporter gets a hold of the whole story and the genovese family is expanding to china.... Its reporter bullshit. Ive never read past wikipedia page on the chicago outfit and i can tell u now these big connections dont ammount to shit.
And nicky, whats with u argueing how possible it is like your rooting for the entire family to come back and be strong? Rooting for a guy or two i can understand. Im rooting for big frank in brooklyn. Im rooting that they dont legalize gambling in nj. But u dont see me hoping the colombo family can regain their ranks.
Would this be Carmen Cicalese?
Mods should mind their own business and leave poster's profile signatures alone.