But marriage, by Defintion, is between a man and a woman.

Never, before now, in the World's history, has man been "married" to a man. Or a woman married to a woman.

Redefining the basic menaing of marriage ... how Orwellian..

Nowhere in our Judeo-Christian tradition, is there an allowence for "gay" marriage.

I believe the ultimate goal in having gay marriage, is to delude and to destroy traditional marriage. That's how I see it.

So what are we going to become.... France, or Greece.

Just because someone wants to jump off the cliff, doesn't mean I will hold their hand, on the way over...


As for the NSA Data Collection..... The 3rd Reich would be extremely envious of our store of information we are able to exact on ANYONE, with just a keystroke !

Like they said in The Field of Dreams ....

"Build It and THEY Will Come."

We're building this All-Knowing Capable Data Base --- and They (The Tyrants) WILL Come. And that, will not be a Field of Dreams, but of a Nightmares, when that happens....Whatever "Party" that comes under.... National Socialists, or otherwise.

"It's nothing personal, Sonny....... It's strictly business."