An amusing article I read today in The Independent (Sat 25 September 2004) by John Walsh.

"Why did the FBI put Yusuf Islam, the well-known British Muslim, on their "no-fly" list and call him a threat to American security?

Was it his slightly too Islamic name? His offensive sharia-tastic beard? Or was it because they'd examined the songs he once sang as Cat Stevens, and discovered numerous lyrics oddly suggestive of violence? "Oh I can't keep it in / I can't keep it in, I gotta let it out" - what's that all about, if not some kind of explosion? In "Moonshadow", amid all the sappy optimism, he sings, "And if I ever lose my legs / I won't moan and I won't beg" - an obvious insight into the mind of a (frankly rather hopeful) suicide bomber. And hang on a goddamn moment, what was the chorus of his second hit back in the Sixties? "I'm gonna get me a gun / And all the people who put me down / Had better get ready to run..." Phew. No wonder they kicked him out.
The long article goes on and on, but I don't seem to have the energy to type any more.

Mick com bold typeface rhetoric.
You go clickety click and get your head split.
'The hell you look like on a message board
Discussing whether or not the Brother is hardcore?