Originally posted by Krlea:
DonsAdvisor, please elaborate as to how that article is an example of "Bush Administration cares more about the inconvenience of the Saudis."
The first link below has the article mentioned above. (I can't link straight to it when I tried again - I'm not sure if you read it). Bear in mind that I am following DJ's tone of voice, so don't take him literally. But do see the articles below.

If you want to be literal, than I would infer that Bush's calculation was to overlook the Saudi connection for 9/11 in return for Saudi assistance in attacking Iraq. One can argue whether it was a good trade-off or not, but it seems disengenuous to deny any evidence of a Saudi/9-11 link (15 of 19 hijackers were Saudi).

The use of Saudi air bases was critical to the swift U.S. victory in the Gulf War, and President George W. Bush will need to use them again if he
leads an attack on Iraq, which shares most of Saudi Arabia's northern border. Saudi officials have made no such commitment this time and have sent contradictory signals about their intentions.





"A refusal is not the act of a friend"