They have hardly any rackets left you can bring up as many indictments as you want they hype everything up , you don't no. That tho because you get all your info online....they don't have any juice to run unions anymore . As soon as they think you are oc they flag you. The chins kids got set up on the ports and are loosely there but. That's cause they are clean for the most. Part besides Andrew. The Feds have there hands on to much. Also do you think when. Some one loses in sports they always pay they don't and bookies can't do shit because if the bettor picks up the phone they are screwed.
I never. Said it was over or not there its just a joke and to me a player is some one who has international connections like Cali and a select few others the rest are lo lives.
Last edited by Ciccio67; 08/09/13 12:36 AM.