Oak St. and Cleveland Ave, Chicago. It was on this block that "Shotgun Man" shot down 15 Italian immigrants between January of 1910 and March of 1911 on the street. In one instance he (or they) shot four people in a 72 hour period. They were never caught and to this day no one knows if it was one person or several who did the murders. Despite there being many witnesses, no one would give the police information, it was said to be a very influential man in the neighborhood who could have been a black hand extortionist.

This life of ours, this is a wonderful life. If you can get through life like this, hey, thats great. But it's very, very unpredictable. There are so many ways you can screw it up.-Paul Castellano (he would know)

"I'm not talking about Italians, I'm talking about criminals."-Joe Valachi