ChiTown, I gave you personal information on that other thread.
Where's your personal information?
You said the grand ave Crew never retreated. You said they are a full functioning Crew.
Name Made guys in the crew like I've asked you.
Put up/ shut up or admit you were exaggerating.
lol you quoted common knowledge on Chuckie English. The guy pry has a wikipedia page. I can also name details about Al Capone. Would you believe me if I said he was my father?
Here is the difference. I know "Chickie" and the Santura family, who if you are really kin to Chuckie, is also kin to you

What is your sister's real name? What was your mother's maiden name? If you IM me these dtails, I will start a thread and publicly admonish you.
Any son of Chuckie English would have answered my other question instantaneously as Chuckie lived in Lexington next to his best friend, protector and boss, Sam Giancana. They both later moved to the burbs.
The fact you avoided that question shows me you are a liar. Joe Lombardi's nephew or some other sick idiot using the name of a famous mobster and regurgitating the same info over and over.