Originally Posted By: IvyLeague
Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
Can I ask a sincere question? Why does atheism bother you? I mean, if you have your faith, nobody can take it from you. If your faith is true, nobody can change your mind. Why does someone else's bother you?

Personally, I disagree with this group. I think they're just plain stupid and silly, but what impact can they have on my faith? They can't take it from me.

In a personal sense I simply find them annoying. Their inherent arrogance, as well as them spending so much time and energy fighting against something they profess to not even believe in. In another sense, I think these types are a sign of what is to come in terms of religion becoming more marginalized in our society. They may seem extreme even to you right now. But their views could very well be mainstream and widely accepted in another generation.

It's a valid point that a lot of people miss. It's called incrementalism. Incrementalism is not new and it has already changed how we interpret the 1st amendment since at least 1947 in the Everson decision.