Here is the most accurate Cleveland LCN chart from 1980:

Boss James Licavoli
Underboss Angelo Lonardo
Consigliere John Tronolone
Consigliere Milton "Maishe" Rockman (John Scalish's brother in law, Jewish-not made but highly respected)

East side Captains
Joe Gallo
Tony Liberatore (union liason)

East side Lieutenants
Tommy Sinito
John Calandra

Collinwood Crew
Joe Iaccobacci
Allie Calabrese
Tony Delguyd
Joe Bonnarigo
Tony Occhinero
John Delzoppo
Joe Ilacqua

Other Soldiers
John Oliverio (associate)
John Montana (informant)
Russell Papalardo
Dominic Lonardo (Ange's brother)

East side associates
Phil Bonnadona
Michael Dubalo
Eugene Ciasullo
Butchie Cisternino
Anthony Delmonti
Angelo Lonardo (nephew of Big Ange)
Martin DeFabio (informant)
Peter Sanzo
Sam Vecchio aka El Porko
Jimmy Pallendino (waste management)
Danny Dzina
Sam Lucarelli
William "Billy D" Dileno (associate)
William Denova (associate)
Anthony Hughes (Pressers right hand man,informant)
Glen Pauley

Union and City Hall Liasons
Tony Liberatore
Chester Liberatore
Nicholas Nardi (made, Brother of John)
Frank Scalish (son of John)
John Felice Jr
Carmine Parise

Inactive Made Members
Tony Milano
Frank Embescia

Numbers Racket Liasons
Michael Panzarella (made)
Ronnie Bey
Virgil Olgetree
Monk Tolliver

Inner City "Powers"
Bill Seawright
Geechy Bell
Donald "The Fixer" Peppers

The West Side
Captain Carmen Basile

Joe "Joey Spags" Spaganlo (gambling kingpin)

Youngstown/Warren, OH Faction
Ronald "Ronnie the Crab" Carabbia
Charles "Charlie the Crab" Carabbia
Orlando "Orlie the Crab" Carabbia
Joseph Perfette (Trumbull County-Kicked to Peanuts Tronolone until 1983 and then answered directly to Pittsburgh's Charlie Imburgia, Consigliere who resided in Warren)
Dominic "Junior" Senzarino (Carabbia cousin gunned down at his house in 1980)
Joe DeRose Jr (went missing during the Pittsburgh/Cleveland war and is presumed dead)

Narcotics movers
Hans and Fritz Graewe
Jimmy Coppola
Keith Ritson (killed Nov 1978)
Brian O'Donnell
Kevin McTaggert
Carmen "Mr. Z" Zagaria

The A team....Lawyers
Gerald Gold
James Willis