Originally Posted By: Giancarlo
Tyson really went off the rails after he became champ. A real shame, going to prison and all the bullshit that went on around him. Just total insanity. Then with Don King taking him over and robbing him blind. The insanity with his marriage to Robin Givens and that mother of hers. Just one thing after another, i'm kind of surprised he lasted as long as he did to tell you the truth. He was a devastating puncher though. Guys were scared to death of him and some were actually shaking when they entered the ring to fight him. I think a real big slugger like Foreman might of been able to handle Mike but i'm just speculating on that. A young Larry Holmes - Tyson fight would of been great. It probably would of been like the Ali-Frazier fights back in the 70's.

I personally don't think a Holmes-Tyson fight would last too long. Holmes had a similar reach to Lewis he also had more power and speed imo, and an even more devastating left jab. It's certainly an interesting hypothetical though.