Yes, and I'm sure if they were engaged in any illegal business they'd tell some guy at the golf course. One of the dumbest posts imaginable.
The old top guys (i.e., the Giac Bros, Anthony Corrado, Tony Tocco, etc.) are all dead -- except for Jack Tocco. Tony Z and Frankie Bommarito are both shelved, and are also very old. Jackie "The Kid" Giacalone (Vince's brother and Vito Giac's oldest son) is 63 and the current acting boss of the Family. As far as anyone knows, Jack Tocco (86) is still the official boss.
Big cases in Detroit have been few and far between since time began, and now more than ever. This isn't so much due to lesser activity -- it's more likely due to the nature of the activity. The Detroit FBI office isn't terribly concerned about middle-aged men making a few grand from booking. If anyone would be concerned, it'd be the MSP, who have been responsible for every single large-scale gambling case in Metro Detroit since the Family's last bust in 2006 (the feds, of course, handled that one).
In terms of membership, Scott Burnstein's charts are always a bit inflated and unofficial. There are at least 4 official captains right now, and each have 2-5 made members in their crews. There is around 25-30 active members, and at least twice that in terms of associates (which are always hard to define.)
I'm related to a few deceased members on my mother's side. And lord knows how those men would brag to random people on golf courses about their oath to Cosa Nostra, and how much money they made from bookmaking and shylocking.

Most of their own children didn't know anything until they'd get locked up for something. And even then, if they were young enough, their father was "in college" or "in the army."
Someone related to me drunkenly asked Joe Vicari (who owns the Andiamo's chain of restaurants, and is married to one of Tony Tocco's daughters) if he was in the "Mafia." It probably ranks as one of the biggest verbal flip-outs in history. Mind you, as far as anyone knows, he's never been engaged in anything besides the restaurant business...which was funded by his father-in-law, the former consigliere. That's VERY well known around the area.
Want to know who knows the most about the Detroit Family? Members of the Detroit Family.