Originally Posted By: IvyLeague
Originally Posted By: Louiebynochi
You dont think theyre rackets at the largest convention center in north America combined with they're remaining teamster power combined with they're involvement in the union movement and forklifting companies and the fact they have Chicago all to themselves
Make them stronger RIGHT NOW than the Colombo and bonnano families even if they are less than half the size

Even if the Outfit had the level of influence at McCormick or with the Teamsters Union you wish they still did - and they don't - that alone wouldn't necessarily make them more powerful than the Colombos or Bonannos.

McCormick? There's obviously some involvement there. Rudy Fratto and his bid-rigging case. William Daddano Jr. Nick Ferriola working there (if you even want to count that). But you talk as if they run the place the way the mob ran the Javits Center in NY years ago.

Teamsters Union? When was the last Outfit/Teamsters indictment in Chicago? It's been years. There was the Stier report, now over a decade old, that resulted in no charges and showed basically residual influence at this point.

Also my question to you is we have seen in ny how even though they indict mobsters civilly and are able to
Remove them from they're union positions , they still control the union because they have embedded themselves into these unions as far back as 80 years ago
How you think this isn't the case when they only removed a few mob guys from the union
And don't tell me the steir Anderson report was bs

Sometimes the mob influence remains. Other times it's gone. Sometimes it's removed but creeps back in. There's much more evidence of lingering mob influence in New York because we've seen the cases to prove it. Not so in Chicago, which is why you have to resort to going on pure theory and conjecture.

And I never said the Stier report was BS. I said that, if you read it, what it shows is residual influence. And nothing that ever resulted in any indictments. But if you want to believe the Outfit still has the Teamsters Union under it's thumb in Chicago, louie, go ahead.

Because when they're children and cousins etc are involved in controlling not only the union itself but also the pension fund , how that isn't control and influence for them
We can both agree, that the mob overall in the grand scheme of things(despite a few idiots) is very much into achieving an everlasting lifespan and has spent that the last 100 years embedding and weaving itself into the fabric of society
Like with matassa he's a mobster and anything he touches is corrupted because of his station in life and who he represents
I think we have seen wiseguys in Chicago be much more low key
And that the made members of the family are pretty hands off as far as them personally doing everyday violence. We have seen just roughly a month ago Solly Delaurentis, a confirmed member of the Chicago cosa nostra , his partner pay 10k to Peter carparelli to have his crew deliver a beating and break the legs of someone who owed a gambling debt. This dosent suggest a kindle gentler mob, it suggest where unlike in ny where made guys beat up gamblers personally , in Chicago they contract an out and the fact that they can pay 10k for a beating shows the financial robustness of the Chicago mob

To quote peter carparelli "be discreet so they think were dead, let them think they did thyre job , so they go have a beer, high five each other"
Carparelli isn't just coming up with this way of doing business itself
It's the way of the Chicago mob, it's the way his superiors tell him to operate
Its like being a detective you obviously reasonably infer from the evidence and statements that thyre is a lot more going on than we're privy too, that's not public information.
This notion that mob blackballs
Gamblers rather than beat them has proven to be false

I'm not sure what your point is in this rambling mess above. But I have a question, louie. It wasn't long ago that you used to argue over on the other forum that the Outfit wasn't nearly as strong as many people thought. It was the thread where you quoted one Chicago mobster talking about "loans being down" and you argued there were only two FBI agents tracking the Outfit at that point. Remember that? More recently, Pogo asked you why you did the total 180 in your position. You never were able to answer him.

First off in the last 5 years the fortunes of the Colombo and bonnano families have changed drastically where as in Chicago since the family secrets arrest in 2005, which was 8 years ago. The only major guy since then to go to jail for them was sarno and Rudy fratto. So there you only have 2 made guys since April of 2005 for the Chicago LCN that have been incarcerated.
In comparison for the Colombos , during that same time frame.
You have had Andrew Russo and Anthony Russo the capo, Joseph savarese, Benjamin Castellazo, Richard Fusco, Teddy Persico, John Franzese,Machael Capatano, Ralph Deleo, Thomas Gioeli,Dino Calabro,Ralph Scopo Jr,Joseph Carna, Dennis Delucia,Ray Maragni,Emanuel favuzza, Vinny Febrarao, Nicky Rizzo,Joseph Compatiello,Frank Campione, Michael Uvino and Dino Saracino, thomas Petrizzo, Michael Persico, Paul Bevaqua, Craig Marino.
That's 27 made members.
For the Bonnanos
Anthony Rabito, Nicholas Santora, Vito Badamo, Anthony Calabrese, Michael Mancuso, Dominick Cicale. Pj Pisciotti,Anthony Indelicato, Anthony Graziano, Vincent Badalamenti,Joseph Sammartino, Joseph Chile, Frank Pastore, Ernest Aiello,Michael Virtuoso, Ace Aiello,Anthony Scalfani,Jodeph Loaicono,Anthony Pipitone,Paul Spina,Jerome Asaro,Joseph Cammarano Jr, Louis Decicco,Jack Bovenentre,Michael Cassese,Vito Balsamo,Anthony Mannone,Vincent Armante, Michael Uroiucoli,
That's 29 members

# of incarcerated members since May 2005, post FS arrests
1.Bonnano LCN-29 Members
2.Colombo LCN-27 Members
3.Chicago LCN-2 Members

Just a hint of their power in the unions today is contained below.
This is just from a few minutes of investigating. This is just the tip of the iceberg

Union Officials Influenced and Controlled by the Mob in the Teamsters Currently
1.James Glimco-Local 777 IBT President and Trustee of Joint Council 25 of the IBT
Son of Former Outfit Capo Joey Glimco.
2.John Coli- President of Joint Council 25 IBT and Secratary Treasure of Local 727 and Member of Teamster National Executive Board and Vice President of Central Region IBT. Son of former Chicago LCN Soldier James Coli.
3. Dominick Romanazzi-President IBT Local 330. Confirmed Chicago LCN Associate by The FBI and the Chicago Crime Comission.
4.James M Hogan- President Local 714 IBT. Confirmed associate of the Chicago LCN by the FBI an the Chicago Crime Commission. Uncle of Mob associates James Hogan Jr and Brother of James Hogan Sr.

Thats 4 different current Teamster union presidents. The President and Trustee of Joint Council 25 which oversees the pension fund of 28 combined Teamster locals and which represent more than 115,000 workers. Last but not least the Vice President of the Central Region of The United States for The Teamsters and a member of The National Executive Board.

The investigation in 2004 and also 2009 both times were stopped by and shut down by James P Hoffa, the son of one of the most Notoriously currupt mobbed up union leaders in history. They probably told Hoffa remember your father smile

Last edited by Louiebynochi; 08/23/13 03:13 AM.

A March 1986 raid on DiBernardo's office seized alleged "child pornography and financial records." As "a result of the Postal Inspectors seizures [a federal prosecutor] is attempting to indict DiBernardo on child pornography violations" according to an FBI memo dated May 20, 1986.
Thousands of pages of FBI Files that document his involvement in Child Porn