Just a hint of their power in the unions today is contained below.
This is just from a minutes of investigating. This is just the tip of the iceberg 

Union Officials Influenced and Controlled by the Mob in the Teamsters Currently
1.James Glimco-Local 777 IBT President and Trustee of Joint Council 25 of the IBT
Son of Former Outfit Capo Joey Glimco.
2.John Coli- President of Joint Council 25 IBT and Secratary Treasure of Local 727 and  Member of Teamster National Executive Board and Vice President of Central Region IBT. Son of former Chicago LCN Soldier James Coli.
3. Dominick Romanazzi-President IBT Local 330. Confirmed Chicago LCN Associate by The FBI and the Chicago Crime Comission.
4.James M Hogan- President Local 714 IBT. Confirmed associate of the Chicago LCN by the FBI an the Chicago Crime Commission. Uncle of Mob associates James Hogan Jr and Brother of James Hogan Sr.

Thats 4 different current Teamster union presidents. The President and Trustee  of Joint Council 25 which oversees the pension fund of 28 combined Teamster locals and which represent more than 115,000 workers. Last but not least the Vice President of the Central Region of The United States for The Teamsters and a member of The National Executive Board.

The investigation in 2004 and also 2009 both times were stopped by and shut down by James P Hoffa, the son of one of the most Notoriously currupt mobbed up union leaders in history. They probably told Hoffa remember your father smile

Last edited by Louiebynochi; 08/23/13 03:38 AM.

A March 1986 raid on DiBernardo's office seized alleged "child pornography and financial records." As "a result of the Postal Inspectors seizures [a federal prosecutor] is attempting to indict DiBernardo on child pornography violations" according to an FBI memo dated May 20, 1986.
Thousands of pages of FBI Files that document his involvement in Child Porn