Five. YOu said and I quote; "on top of that, i'm sick and tired of us as a country having to flood them with money. let them do what they want, let the cards fall where they may, i don't care." That pretty strong man. I didn't see you mention any other country but Israel. Whats your argument? That Israel is at fault for the problems in the Middle east? Thats such a ridiculous statement that its not even worth a response. Really?
Let me guess, you think Israel knocked down the towers.
It's not silly to spot out a hater and reveal him for what he his.
So you think that Israels military is weaker than Britain. Fine. But I think there is much more going on here than just numbers.
See the 6 day war. The yom kippur war when the Arabs attacked Israel on the holiest day of the Jewish calendar when every jew in Israel was in Synagogue. Who won that one?
I have no animosity towards you. Agree to disagree.

Last edited by vinnietoothpicks26; 08/27/13 10:29 PM.

Frank Costello: Fucking rats. It's wearing me thin. Mr. French: Francis, it's a nation of fucking rats.