Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
Originally Posted By: vinnietoothpicks26
I agree they are the US allies. But Britain is not a strong Israel ally.
I never said they were going to go at it. I just said Israel has a tough army. Toughest outside of the great USA.

No argument that England is quickly becoming a radical Muslim stronghold. But so is Michigan, for that matter. That's why I said it's no joke.

Michigan of all places. Couldn't say I saw that one coming in 1999. It's true Western Europe is having a lot of problems with immigration and depleted population. Who's the filling those ranks? Arabs. While I think most of those immigrants aren't causing problems, that radical faction is an ever present danger.

In addition, Europe's oh so perfect welfare/cradle to grave society is going down the shitter because they can't pay for it. I mean France bumped up taxes to those making above 1.3 mil 75%! Call me crazy but that's a little high

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